Recent News
Summer 2020
We recently have had two papers published by our lab, first-authored by our alumna, Dr. Arianna LaCroix. They are the fruits of her dissertation labors, providing valuable insights into the attention deficits stroke survivors with aphasia may have, and how attention and other cognitive abilities may be related to their speech comprehension abilities:
LaCroix et al. (2020) in Brain and Language:
LaCroix et al. (2020) in Aphasiology: (epub ahead of print coming soon!)
Great job Dr. LaCroix!!
Spring 2020
Corianne was awarded tenure! She is officially an Associate Professor, a Sun Devil for life, and has proven her middle school teachers wrong who thought she'd never "do well in school"!
Spring 2019
Two of our doctoral students graduated at the end of the term: Drs. Megan Fitzhugh (right) and Arianna LaCroix (left)!
Two recent papers by our doctoral student, Megan Fitzhugh, were accepted for publication!
One paper explored the neural correlates of audio-visual integration and cognitive control using an audio-visual Stroop task and was accepted in PLOSone.
Another paper with our collaborator Dr. Leslie Baxter of the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ investigated the recruitment of domain-general brain networks during reading comprehension in older adults. This paper was accepted in the Journal for the International Neuropsychological Society.
Fall 2018
Dr. Rogalsky was interviewed by Arizona's NPR channel, KJZZ, about auditory perception and illusions. Give it a listen here!
Arianna LaCroix received a predoctoral fellowship for $50,000 from the American Heart Association to study the influence of prosody on language comprehension in individuals post-stroke! Read about her study here.
Megan Fitzhugh presented a poster at the 10th Society for the Neurobiology of Language conference in Quebec City, Canada. Her poster was titled "How does functional connectivity between domain-general and language networks relate to sentence comprehension? A resting-state fMRI study in older adults."
A recent study investigating the brain regions involved in ASL (American Sign Language) sentence comprehension compared to English sentences was accepted for publication in Frontiers in Psychology! This study stemmed from both the Honors thesis and ARES project of two stellar undergraduates--Lisa Johnson and Soren Mickelsen.
May. 2017
Julia Cai successfully defended her Master's thesis titled, "The neurobiology of audiovisual integration: A voxel-based lesion symptom mapping study." Julia graduated with a Master's of Science in Communication Disorders and will be starting her clinical fellowship year this summer.
Chloe Houlihan successfully defended her Honor's thesis titled, "A functional and structural MRI investigation of the neural signatures of dyslexia in adults." Chloe graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering in Biomedical Engineering with Honors from Barrett, the Honors College. She will have one more year to finish her Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering.
Nicole Blumenstein successfully defended her Honor's thesis titled, "The effect of scale and familiarity on the perception of music dissonance." Nicole graduated with a Bachelor of Music Performance with a Voice Concentration with Honors from Barrett, the Honors College. Nicole will be attending University of Illinois College of Medicine in the fall of 2017.
Congratulations, ladies! We are extremely proud of your accomplishments!
Dec. 2016
Lisa Johnson graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Science, Cum Laude. Congrats, Lisa!
Arianna LaCroix successfully defended her First-Year Project to the Speech and Hearing Department. Her project was titled, "An fMRI investigation of syntactic and prosodic interactions." Great job!
Nov. 2016
Megan Fitzhugh successfully passed her qualifying exams/proposed her dissertation and has advanced to candidacy.
Julia Cai and Arianna LaCroix gave a talk at the annual ASHA Convention in Philadelphia titled: The relationship between functional reorganization, language, and cognition post-stroke
Aug. 2016
Arianna LaCroix and Megan Fitzhugh traveled to London, England to present their research at the 8th annual meeting of the Society for the Neurobiology of Language.
Megan presented a poster titled: An investigation of the relationship between the cognitive resources engaged by syntactic and acoustic complexity
Arianna presented a poster titled: Shared and distinct cognitive resources for syntax and prosody: a sentence comprehension study
May 2016
Soren Mickelsen graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Science, minor in Anthropology, and with honors from Barrett, the College. Congrats, Soren!
Soren also presented and defended his ASU Barrett Honors Thesis titled: The Neurobiology of Sentence Comprehension: a Functional MRI Study of American Sign Language Acquisition
Lisa Johnson presented her ASU ARES (Advanced Research Experience Seminar) Project titled: The Neural and Behavioral Correlates of Second Proficiency: an fMRI Study of ASL Students
Arianna LaCroix was awarded the Marilyn Miller Quintana Moline Scholarship from the Speech and Hearing Department and the Graduate Research Program Support Grant from GPSA
Julia Cai was awarded the Zilveti Family Fellowship in Honor of Halina J. Zilveti from the Speech and Hearing Department
Megan Fitzhugh was awarded the JumpStart Research Grant from GPSA
Megan Fitzhugh was awarded several scholarships and award over the year, including
Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Scholarship (Phoenix Chapter)
Graduate and Professional Student Association Travel Award
School of Life Science Travel Award
Julia Cai was awarded two scholarships over the year:
Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences Fellowship
James Case Speech and Hearing Scholarship